The 4 new manga, “The Elusive Samurai” by Matsui Yuusei “i tell c” by Inaoka Kazusa, “Witch Watch” by Shinohara Kenta, and “Clones Ball Parade”, written by Kamada Yuuki and illustrated by Fukui Ashibi, will appear on “Weekly Shounen Jump” for four consecutive weeks from Vol. 8 (January 25) to Vol. 11 (February 15). Thus, as the first attempt of “Weekly Shounen Jump”, the TVCM of each work will be broadcast sequentially.
“Weekly Shounen Jump” will have a new manga for 4 consecutive weeks under the title of “#Jump New Manga 2021”.
The first manga is the historical spectacular “The Elusive Samurai” by Matsui Yuusei (“Assassination Classroom”, “Neuro: Supernatural Detective”). The second manga is the crime suspense “i tell c”, the second manga by Inaoka Kazusa. The third manga is the magical comedy “Witch Watch” by Shinohara Kenta (“Sket Dance”, “Astra Lost in Space”). The fourth and last manga is the baseball manga “Clones Ball Parade” by the newcomer Kamada Yuuki.
As a supporting campaign, the TVCMs of each of the 4 new manga have been broadcast since February 1 and it will be released on the “Weekly Shounen Jump” official YouTube channel. Do check out this first attempt by “Weekly Shounen Jump”.
(C) Matsui Yuusei/ Shueisha
(C) Inaoka Kazusa/ Shueisha
(C) Shinohara Kenta/ Shueisha
(C) Kamada Yuuki, Fukui Ashibi/ Shueisha
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