“Jujutsu Kaisen”, which is being serialized in ‘Weekly Shonen Jump’, has been chosen as the grand prize of 2020 on “Mando Kobayashi”, a manga specialized program by Kendo Kobayashi.
To commemorate winning, Akutami Gege as the writer, will appear on the program. It is the first TV appearance for Akutami.
“Mando Kobayashi” is a specialized program for manga fans where Kendo Kobayashi visits his favorite manga artists. The program is currently on air on Fuji TV One Sports Variety.
Beginning in 2013, ‘MandouKobayashi Manga Award’ has annually been announcing the grand prize and others chosen by Kendo Kobayashi in the program. From ‘Weekly Shonen Jump’, “My Hero Academia” won the grand prize in 2015, and “The Promised Neverland” did in 2017.
“Jujutsu Kaisen” was announced to be the grand prize of 2020, which marked the 8th anniversary, in “Mando Kobayashi The LIVE!”. To commemorate the winning, Akutami will make the first TV appearance in “Mando Kobayashi”. However, Akutami cannot show up the face, and will talk wearing a special ‘Mekamaru’. It will be the must-see broadcast for the “Jujutsu Kaisen” fans.
‘”Mando Kobayashi” Mando Kobayashi Manga Award 2020 The Grand Prize Akutami Gege Jujutsu Kaisen”, where Akutami Gege as a writer of “Jujutsu Kaisen” will appear, will be on air consecutively for two months. ‘Part 1 -Ao-‘ will be on air from 11:00 p.m. on January 30, and ‘Prt 2 -Aka-‘ will be on air from 11:00 p.m. on February 27.
The program will be simultaneously distributed on the internet channel ‘Fuji TV ONEsmart’.
(C)Fuji TV
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