The new arc for “Detective Conan: Police Academy Arc” has started from “Weekly Shounen Sunday” Vol. 48, released on October 28, 2020. Along with this, an application service for this work has started and the PV was also revealed.
The new arc for “Detective Conan: Police Academy Arc” will be depicted for three continuous volumes and depicts Morofushi, the best friend of Furuya Rei, infiltration to the Black Organization. It will also reveal the contents of the case that they are chasing during their time at the police academy .
The application service for “Detective Conan: Police Academy Arc Set of 3 Aoyama Gosho Storyboard’s Note” has started in this magazine. The 3 notebooks will contain the storybook after Hagiwara arc, and both the front and back covers are originally illustrated by Aoyama Gosho.
Along with the release of this new chapter, the PV has been revealed as well. Midorikawa Hikaru, the voice of Morofushi in the TV anime, will continue his role as Morofushi in the policy academy time.
Also, a limited “Morofushi” icon, which can be used as the profile picture in the comment box, will be presented to those who purchased “Shounen Sunday” Vol. 48 or regular subscriber, in “Sunday Webry”.
“Weekly Shounen Sunday” Vol. 48 is priced at 340 JPY (tax included), and it is available at nationwide bookstores.
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