In commemoration of the new TV anime adaptation, from “Shaman King” come various accessories, including pendants, clip-on earrings, and earrings inspired by the “Sword of Thunder” and the “Futsunomitama Sword”. Preorders are currently available at “Premium Bandai”.
The pendant, clip-on earrings (one ear), and earrings (one ear) inspired by the “Sword of Thunder” are based on the treasure sword which was first used by the Chinese character Len Tao as a medium for the Over Soul.
The pattern of the dragon is accurately modeled by laser processing. It is made of silver, partially oxidated, and features a gimmick of the sword blade. Also, the box is made with golden hot stamping.
The pendant, clip-on earrings (one ear), and earrings (one ear) inspired by the “Futsunomitama Sword” are based on the stone sword which was used by Hao's younger brother, Asakura Youkyo, as a medium for the Over Soul.
The numerous scratches on the stone sword have been recreated by modeling, and the surface, which is made of silver, has been lavishly painted in clear red. It is a high-class item delivered in a paulownia box.
“PB Limited Edition 'Shaman King' Sword of Thunder Pendant / Clip-on Earring / Earring [Secondary Order: Shipping from Oct. 2020]” is priced each at 14,300 yen (including tax).
“PB Limited Edition 'Shaman King' Futsunomitama Sword Pendant / Clip-on Earring / Earring [Secondary Order: Shipping from Sep. 2020]” is priced each at 14,300 yen (including tax).
The product is currently available for pre-order on “Premium Bandai” until Jul. 19, 2020, and shipping is scheduled for Sep. 2020.
(C) Takei Hiroyuki / Kodansha
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