At manga and novel service “comico”, the serialization of “Watashi tachi, ×××na Anime wo Tsukuru koto ni Narimashita!~Oshigotosaki wa Ecchi na Animeya-san!?” (We are going to produce the anime with the theme 'Censored'! ~Our workplace is where we create pervert anime!?~) has begun from Jun. 14, 2020.
The story is by Mamura Toshikiri and the illustration is drawn by Mochizuki Azumi. It is the group drama of the female students who strive to become the animators.
“Watashi tachi, ×××na Anime wo Tsukuru koto ni Narimashita!~Oshigotosaki wa Ecchi na Animeya-san!?” (We are going to produced the anime with the theme 'Censored'! ~Our workplace is where we create pervert anime!?~) is about the protagonist called Takaoka Kurumi, a female student of the animator school. The story begins when she realized that her new workplace is the studio to produce pervert anime, after asking her classmate Ootori Shouichi, the best student in her generation who works for the animator that protagonist admires, to introduce herself to the animator.
The story is set in the studio producing anime censored under 18 and the animator's school and depicts the female students strive to become a wonderful animators one day, together with little information regarding the animator industry.
“comico”'s new serialization “Watashi tachi, ×××na Anime wo Tsukuru koto ni Narimashita!~Oshigotosaki wa Ecchi na Animeya-san!?” starts from Jun. 14. New episode will be released on Sundays.
(C) Mochizuki Azumi・Hamamura Toshikiri/comico
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