”DEATH NOTE” is a manga written by Ooba Tsugumi and illustrated by Obata Takeshi, and pre-orders for the wines inspired by the characters from ”DEATH NOTE” are now available at “Shiraito Shuzo” at Amanohashidate. Yagami Light, L, Ryuk, Melo, and Nia will be designed on the labels.
“DEATH NOTE” image wine comes with a total of 4 types: “White Sparkling Yagami Light 750ml”, “Apple Sparkling Ryuk (2 bottles set) 250ml×2”, “White Wine L 750ml”, and “Red/White Sparkling Melo・Nia (2 bottles set) 375ml”.
Also to commemorate the release, there is a campaign which gives away a large sticker inspired by each character if the pre-order is made at the EC website of “Shiraishi Shuzo” until Jun. 14, 2020.
Each item is priced for 3,182 JPY (tax excluded), and it comes with a special “bottle tag” to store the wine. The pre-order is currently available, and the shipping is scheduled on the middle of Jun.
(C) Ooba Tsugumi・Obata Takeshi/Shueisha
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