“Jujutsu Kaisen”, a current serialized manga in Weekly Shonen Jump has been picked up for a TV anime release. Information about the main cast have also been announced and are as follows: Enoki Junya as Itadori Yuji, Uchida Yuma as Fujiguro Megumi, Seto Asami as Kugisaki Nobara.
“Jujutsu Kaisen” is a manga series created by Akutami Gege that has published a whopping total of 2,500,000 copies and more since publication. It was first picked up and serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2018 and currently has 7 volumes in publication.
The story follows a highschool student with exceptional physical abilities who looks after his bed ridden grandfather on a daily basis. However, one day at school, a seal on a cursed item hidden in the school was broken causing a monster to appear. In order to save the surviving seniors, Itadori enters the schooland…
I am left waiting in anticipation for further information regarding the program’s broadcast time.
<Below are the full comments by the cast>
“Itadori Yuji played by: Enoki Junya”
He is a very straightforward character and when I’m performing, I will try not to overthink things. With the help of the other cast members and staff, I will try my best to perform as lively as I can.
“Fujiguro Megumi played by: Uchida Yuma”
My first impression of the character was of someone unsociable. I am interested to find out what kind of thoughts lay hidden within a person who makes a living as a shaman. The recording has not started yet and I’m excited to find out what kind of story lies in wait!!
“Kugisaki Nobara played by: Seto Asami”
I am currently planning to read the original work to do research on her (the character). The after recording hasn’t taken place yet so I think that this step is necessary for me to visualize and portray her character. Additionally, I think that it will be a challenge as well as I don’t want to be too fixated on my impression of her.
(C)Akutami Gege/Shueisha・Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee
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