Kyoto Animation

“Nichijou: My Ordinary Life” became a boardgame! The “Reaction Karuta” with multiple popular phrases, including “Yakisoba!!!” and “You’re Out!!!”

The comedy manga by Arawi Keiichi called “Nichijou: My Ordinary Life”, with the TV anime series by Kyoto Animation, became…

3 years ago

The origins of the original anime of Kyoto Animation! The Blu-ray BOX of “Munto” series has been announced

The Blu-ray BOX of "Munto" series, the completely original anime by Kyoto Animation, will be released on December 22, 2021.…

3 years ago

Kyoto Animation’s “Music Fest” featuring the singers of the theme song is held for the first time in November 2021, in Kyoto!

Kyoto Animation (known as KyoAni), known for "Violet Evergarden", "Sound! Euphonium", and other anime, has announced that it will be…

4 years ago

Kyoto Animation will release the new film titled “Free! The Final Stroke” composed of two parts! The teaser visual and trailer have been revealed

The new film of the "Free!" series produced by Kyoto Animation will be titled "Free! The Final Stroke". The release…

4 years ago

More than 1.2 million fans came the theaters to watch “Violet Evergarden the Movie”! Box-office revenue is 170 million JPY

"Violet Evergarden the Movie" has marked 1.2 million guests on Nov. 8, and the box-office revenue was 170 million JPY.…

4 years ago

Kyoto Animation’s Archery Anime “Tsurune” Receives a Film Adaptation! Announced in the 2nd-Anniversary Special Video of the TV Series

Kyoto Animation's anime "Tsurune" receives a film adaptation. It was announced in the 2nd-anniversary special video of the TV series.…

4 years ago

“Violet Evergarden: the Movie” Starts Off With a Smash Hit of Over 390,000 Audiences! Fans Posted on Social Media, “I burst into tears in the first 5 minutes”

"Violet Evergarden: the Movie" was released on Sep. 18. It started off with a smash hit of over 390,000 audiences…

4 years ago