The feature animated film "Lonely Castle in the Mirror" has been selected and officially entered in the Competition section of…
Director Yuasa Masaaki's "Japan Sinks: 2020" Episode 1 "The Beginning of the End" wins the Jury Award for a TV…
'Japan Sinks : 2020' directed by Yuasa Masaaki has been nominated for TV Films in the Competition "Annecy International Animation…
The new musical animation film "Inu-Oh" featuring Yuasa Masaaki as director, Matsumoto Taiyou as original illustrator, and Nogi Akiko as…
The animation movie "On-Gaku: Our Sound" has won the Best Original Music Award from the "2020 Annecy International Animated Film…
The animation movie "Ongaku: Our Sound" has been nominated to the Long Contrechamps Category for the "Annecy International Animation Film…