"Penguindrum", an original anime directed by Ikuhara Kunihiko that celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2021, will be released as a…
The special PV of the recompilation film "Re:cycle of the Penguindrum (Part 1) Kimi no Ressha wa Seizon Senryaku" (Released…
From "RE:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM [Part 1] Kimi no Ressha wa Seizon Senryaku" (to be released on April 29, 2022),…
The teaser visual of the film "RE:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM", which is a recompilation of director Ikuhara Kunihiko's original anime…
It was decided that the film "RE:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM" of the original anime "Penguindrum" by the director Ikuhara Kunihiko…