The manga “Boys Over Flowers” has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the “most published copies of a Shojo manga series written by a single author.” The original author, Kamio Yoko, commented on the certification on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the series’ birth.
“Boys Over Flowers” is a girls’ manga by Kamio Yoko that was serialized in “Margaret” from 1992 to 2004. The story follows Makino Tsukushi, a girl from a middle-class family, as she leads her school life at the Eitoku Academy, attended by children from wealthy families, and meets Domyoji Tsukasa, the leader of the F4.
The total number of comics sold in Japan has exceeded 61 million copies, including electronic copies, and the series has produced a variety of media including TV anime, movies, TV dramas, and stage performances. The 30th anniversary of its birth is being celebrated, and the first exhibition, “Boys Over Flowers 30th Anniversary -Jewelry BOX-,” is currently being held from April 19, 2023.
In April 2023, this work was recognized by Guinness World Records as “The most published copies of a Shojo manga series written by a single author.” The certificate was awarded for 59,409,000 copies (as of April 19, 2023), which is the number of copies of paper comics alone.
In conjunction with the certification, Kamio, the author of the original manga, commented, “I am very happy that Boys Over Flowers has been recognized as a Guinness World Record in this milestone year of the 30th anniversary. I believe this record is made possible by the support of so many readers. Thank you very much.”
The “Boys Over Flowers” series has attracted even more attention since it was recognized as a Guinness World Record. The first exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of “Boys Over Flowers” will be held at Matsuya Ginza until May 8.
Kamio Yoko, The Author of Boys Over Flowers
I am very happy that Boys Over Flowers has been recognized as a Guinness World Record in this milestone year of the 30th anniversary. I believe this record is made possible by the support of so many readers. Thank you very much. Also, we are pleased to announce that we will be holding our first exhibition of original drawings from April. Please come and meet Tsukushi and F4!
Boys Over Flowers
(C) Kamio Yoko/Shueisha
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