The Netflix Series “Lookism” based on the original manga from “LINE Manga” will be available worldwide exclusively on Netflix from November 4, 2022. It has been announced that Matsuoka Yoshitsugu, Urata Wataru, Takeuchi Shunsuke, Ono Daisuke, Mogami Tsuguo, Hayami Saori, Yorita Natsu, and Aoyama Reina are the cast for the Japanese dub of this series. The main trailer of the Japanese dub has been revealed.
“Lookism” is the anime adaptation of the original Korean webtoon that has over 8.7 billion views worldwide as of September 2022. In order to reset his life, the main protagonist Park Hyung Seok (Hasegawa Keisuke) decided to transfer to a prestigious art school after being bullied harshly in his first school. On a certain day after he started living alone, he obtains his “Extremely handsome self” that is exactly opposite of his current self.
After he obtained his two “selves”, he starts his mysterious double identity life, where he go to school as the handsome self during the day while working part-time as the ugly self at night. He learns a lot on the society and people from both the perceptions as the handsome self and ugly self, but…
The cast for the Japanese dub are Matsuoka Yoshitsugu as the voice of the main protagonist Park Hyung Seok (Hasegawa Keisuke) along with Urata Wataru, Takeuchi Shunsuke, Ono Daisuke, Mogami Tsuguo, Hayami Saori, Yorita Natsu, and Aoyama Reina.
The expectation toward the anime “Lookism” with the story revolving around the concerns of the subtle of the people in society, which are lookism and materialism and appearance of the luxurious cast member, including Matsuoka Yoshitsugu, are increasingly steadily.
Netflix series “Lookism” will be available exclusively on Netflix from November 4. Prior to the release, the first 100 chapters of the webtoon “Lookism” can be read for free on “LINE Manga” until November 3.
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