A sequel of the “Mobile Suit Gundam 00” stage play, “Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Hakai ni yoru Saisei Re:Build” (Regeneration by Destruction), will be titled “Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Hakai ni yoru Kakusei Re:(in)novation” (Awakening by Destruction) and be performed from Jul. 17 to 26, 2020. The new stage play will depict a story with new cast members.
“Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Hakai ni yoru Saisei Re:Build” is a stage adaption of “Mobile Suit Gundam 00”, which was broadcast from Oct. 2007, and was performed in Feb. 2019. They fascinated their fans through dramatic interpretations and original elements that only a stage play can depict.
The new play, “Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Hakai ni yoru Kakusei Re:(in)novation” will have new cast members to develop a spectacular story.
The visuals show the main characters; Setsuna F Seiei played by Hashimoto Shouhei, Lockon Stratos played by Imari Yuu, Allelujah Haptism played by Ayukawa Taiyou, Tieria Erde played by Nagata Seiichirou, Saji Crossroad played by Maekawa Yuuki, and Louise Halevy played by Motonishi Sakiho (from the theatrical company 4 dollars 50 cents).
Mr. Bushidou, who is voiced by the voice actor Nakamura Yuuichi (中村悠一) in the anime will be played by the actor with the same name Nakamura Yuuichi (中村優一). The actor Nakamura Yuuichi (中村優一) posted on Twitter, “I will be playing Mr. Bushidou. Nakamura Yuuichi (中村優一) will be playing the character by Nakamura Yuuichi (中村悠一)”. The voice actor Nakamura Yuuichi (中村悠一) retweeted the post and this exchange has gone viral on the internet.
“Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Hakai ni yoru Kakusei Re:(in)novation” will be performed at the middle theater of New National Theatre from Jul. 17 to 26, 2020.
Also, they will stream “Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Hakai ni yoru Saisei Re:Build” with the audio commentary of the cast on the official “Gundam” YouTube channel, “Gundam Channel”.
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