Manga of the comedy show "How Do You Like Wednesday?" titled "How Do You Like Wednesday?: Ooizumi Yo's Tall Tales" has serialized starting from "Weekly Shonen Champion 2020 vol.1" (published on Dec. 5, 2019). The first chapter is 71 pages long with a colored opening page. Drawings of the members from "How Do You Like Wednesday?" in "Super-Gekiga" touch were released along with some pages from the first episode, "Taiko Brawl" (Taiko is a Japanese drum).
"How Do You Like Wednesday?: Ooizumi Yo's Tall Tales" is a manga adaption of Ooizumi's "tall tales" from the Hokkaido comedy show "How Do You Like Wednesday?" (e.g. "Mountaineer", "Lady Chatterley") written by Hoshino Kouichiro, who handled the main visuals of "How Do You Like Wednesday? Festival 2019". They say there will also be brand new tall tales for the manga drafted by Ooizumi.
The first episode, which was published in "Weekly Shonen Champion 2020 vol.1" with a colored opening page and 71 pages long, was the classic tall tale, "Taiko Brawl".
Following Ooizumi's request, the "How Do You Like Wednesday?" members drawn in "Super-Gekiga" touch were also released.
In addition, to celebrate the start of the series, they have a special report of Ooizumi, Suzui Takayuki, Fujimura Tadahisa, and Ureshino Masamichi talking about the time when the tall tales began.
"Weekly Shonen Champion 2020 vol.1" is now on sale at the price of 320JPY (tax included).
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