In commemoration of the broadcast of the TV anime "Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury" Season 2, the 2023SS…
A collaborative event commemorating the 30th anniversary of the TV anime "Ninjaboy Rantaro" started on April 7, 2023 at “NAMJATOWN”,…
"Detective Conan" wristwatches from a collaboration with SEIKO have been released. A total of 3 designs, inspired by Haibara Ai,…
From the TV anime "Urusei Yatsura", sandals inspired by Lum have been released. They are available in 3 designs, all…
"Cinnamoroll's Idol LOOKBOOK," a Happy Kuji Lottery in which you can win original design goods of Sanrio's popular character "Cinnamoroll,"…
Finished figures of Baji Keisuke and MatsunoChifuyu, popular characters from the TV anime "Tokyo Revengers," will be released. Pre-orders are…
Blue Lock Wafers Vol.2 is now available for pre-order on Premium Bandai. The original story of "Blue Lock" is a…
From the TV anime "Tokyo Revengers", "Circus ver.", using original chibi illustrations inspired by the circus, has been released. The…
A collaborative event between the TV anime "Blue Lock" and Tobu Zoo will be held from April 15, 2023. Original…
Donguri Closet, a brand based on the heroines of Studio Ghibli films, has released a new collection "Pin Collection: My…