An anime film adaptation of the TV anime "Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed By the Sexiest Man of the Year" will…
From the new TV show "Bokura Teki niwa Riso no Rakugo" starring voice actors Nakajima Yoshiki, Ito Kento, Tsuchida Reiou,…
The Anime adaptation of the silly cute FemBL "Fucked by My Best Friend" released a promo video with two versions.…
From the brand new TV program "Bokura Teki niwa Reisou no Rakugo" featuring the voice actors Nakajima Yoshiki, Itou Kento,…
From the brand new TV program "Bokura Teki niwa Reisou no Rakugo" featuring the voice actors Nakajima Yoshiki, Itou Kento,…
From the brand new TV program "Bokura Teki niha Reisou no Rakugo" featuring the voice actors Nakajima Yoshiki, Itou Kento,…
Orishima Yupopo's cute feminized BL "I became a black gal, so I tried to do it with my best friend"…
From "Bokuratekiniwa Risou no Rakugo" (To us, this is the Ideal Rakugo), a new sense of TV program where Nakajima…
From the new sensational TV program "Bokura teki ni wa Risou no Rakugo" (It is an idealistic rakugo for us),…