The "Mobile Suit Gundam" calendar, "Mobile Suit Gundam KEYFRAMES CALENDAR 2021 -Yasuhiko Yoshikazu Animation Original Illustrations-" will be on sale.…
From the "Mobile Suit Gundam" series comes, the heavily armed v Gundam, "v Gundam HWS" as a 1/144 scale Gunpla…
The movie originally scheduled its release on Jul. 23, 2020, called “Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash” has been postponed due…
As the fifth collaboration product "BEYOND G TOFU" of the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam" and the leading company "Sagamiya Foods"…
From the title "Mobile Suit Gundam", a bookend of a silhouette that resembles the popular scene has appeared. It is…
A revival screening of "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counter Attack" and "Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative" in 4DX will be held…
"GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA", an event to commemorate 40 years of "Mobile Suit Gundam", has announced cancellation its exclusive pre-event programs…
It has been decided that to commemorate over 500,000 subscribers on the YouTube channel, the movie "Mobile Suit Gundam F91"…
From the "Mobile Suit Gundam" series comes "ver. A.N.I.M.E." GM Custom under the action figure series "ROBOT Damashii". Sales will…
From "Gundam Build Divers: GIMM & BALL's World Challenge" comes "Qubeley Embellir" as an MG series Gunpla. Pre-orders are available…