The official "Mobile Suit Gundam" series online portal, "GUNDAM.INFO" website will host a series of short columns titled "Business no…
Freedom Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed" becomes a figure under the action figure series "METAL ROBOT Tamashi". Pre-orders are…
The apparel project "THE LAST SHOOTING", which using a famous scene in the final episode of "Mobile Suit Gundam" as…
It has been announced that a full-scale statue of Freedom Gundam from TV anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" will…
"LED Unit for PG 1/60 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam" that reproducing the luminescence of Gundam Unicorn from "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn"…
From "Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt" comes a figure of the protagonist mobile suit of the Zeon Armed Forces, High Mobility…
From "After War Gundam X" comes Gundam Airmaster Burst released as an HG series Gunpla. Pre-orders are now available at…
From "Mobile Suit Gundam" comes "G.M.G." series, a colored action figure series featuring the common soldiers on the battlefields. Vol.…
The official cafe based on "Mobile Suit Gundam" called "GUNDAM Cafe Akihabara" will be renewed as a hands-on entertainment restaurant.…
"G-Els", the main body of the main character of "GundamBuildDivers" official Gaiden work "GundamBuildDivers Break", becomes a HG Gunpla from…