TV Asahi's late-night anime slot "NUMAnimation" has decided on "Ryman's Club", an original anime about the growth and struggles of…
To celebrate Ishikawa Kaito-san's birthday, Anime!Anime! conducted an annual readers' survey, "Who is your favorite character played by Ishikawa Kaito-san?".…
Under the collaboration between the voice actor Ishikawa Kaito and the fashion brand "glamb" that he regularly wore, a reversible…
The official report of the variety program "Say You to Yoasobi Thursday 'Namikawa Kaito X Ishikawa Kaito' #17" (Broadcast on…
Voice actors Namikawa Daisuke and Ishikawa Kaito appeared in "Say You to Yo Asobi (Thu) [Namikawa Daisuke, Ishikawa Kaito] #15",…
It was announced that the first online special program of the TV anime "A Couple of Cuckoos" (Broadcast starts in…
The first in history the original voice actor regular program "SAY YOU TO YOASOBI", which is being distributed on the…
The main visual and PV of the anime "Yakunara Mugumo" (to be broadcast in April 2021), whose theme is a…
The release date of the TV anime "So I'm a Spider, So What?" has been decided. The new cast, 2nd…
It was decided that that the anime adaptation of "Dragon's House-Hunting" will start broadcasting from April 2021. Information such as…