To celebrate Ishikawa Kaito-san's birthday, Anime!Anime! conducted an annual readers' survey, "Who is your favorite character played by Ishikawa Kaito-san?".…
To celebrate Nishiyama Kotaro-san's birthday, Anime!Anime! conducted an annual readers' survey, "Who is your favorite character played by Nishiyama Kotaro-san?".…
October 12 is Itou Miku-san's birthday. She debuted in the 2010s, and in 2021, she plays characters in various titles…
October 8 is "the Day of Eternity". The anniversary was established as "Eternity" is "Towa" in Japanese, and it has…
October 7 is "Mystery Anniversary". It was established after the death day of Edgar Allan Poe, the original creator of…
"Macross Delta the Movie: Absolute Live!!!!!!", which is the latest title from the "Macross" series, will premiere on October 8,…