I Tried Asking While Kowtowing

“I Tried Asking While Kowtowing” Wants to see girl’s chest! Will Gakesaka Minori (CV: Ogura Yui) will listen to our favor? Exclusive scene cut for episode 1“I Tried Asking While Kowtowing” Wants to see girl’s chest! Will Gakesaka Minori (CV: Ogura Yui) will listen to our favor? Exclusive scene cut for episode 1

“I Tried Asking While Kowtowing” Wants to see girl’s chest! Will Gakesaka Minori (CV: Ogura Yui) will listen to our favor? Exclusive scene cut for episode 1

From the TV anime "I Tried Asking While Kowtowing", the summary and an exclusive scene cut of episode 1 "I…

4 years ago