Hayashibara Megumi

“Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine” narrated by Takayama Minami and Hayashibara Megumi! Collaboration with Nippon Television’s “ZIP!”

In commemoration of the release of the film "Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine" on April 14, 2023, a special collaboration…

2 years ago

“Shin-Eva” All-Night Nippon to be broadcast! Megumi Hayashibara and other cast members will appear in the first collaboration in 24 years!

A collaborative radio program between the "Evangelion" series, whose latest theatrical version is currently in theaters, and the radio program…

4 years ago

What was so revolutionary about “Shaman King” as a shonen manga? The antithesis of the “too strong antagonist, Hao

In anime and manga works, the popularity of characters and topics of conversation tend to be biased toward the main…

4 years ago

Hayashibara Megumi’s songs will be available on the streaming platforms! From “Shaman King” to “Slayers” to her latest album

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the voice actress Hayashibara Megumi (known for her role as Ayanami Rei from "Evangelion")…

4 years ago

“Neon Genesis Evangelion” voice actress Hayashibara Megumi commented “Everything is in the sound” for the release of the 25th anniversary CD

In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the broadcast of the TV anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion", the anniversary project CDs…

4 years ago

"Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045" Hayashibara Megumi will join the cast! The character is a 14-year-old boy who holds the key to the story

An additional cast member has been announced for "Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045" (broadcast on Apr. 23), a Netflix original…

5 years ago