
Anime Movie "Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou" is decided to have a "limited 24 hour" free streaming at "GYAO!"

To commemorate the Blu-ray & DVD sales of the anime movie "Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou" (Our Seven-Day War) on Jun.…

5 years ago

"Space Cobra"The animator Oohashi Manabu reveals his true feelings when he was making anime! Complete DVD BOOK "vol. 2" is released

"Vol. 2 In Hell! Rug Ball!" of "Space Cobra COMPLETE DVD BOX", which contain a total of 31 episodes of…

5 years ago

「Fist of the North Star」Anime 35th anniversary celebration! The fans long-awaited “Blu-ray” with all four volumes will be released

To celebrate 『Fist of the North Star』anime's 35th anniversary, the TV series made by Toei Animation was decided to be…

5 years ago